Rey Enigma, King Enigma, describe himself as a professional chess player who dedicated much of his life to the ‘wonderful world of chess.’

I think it takes a brilliant mind to be a chess champion, but Rey Enigma’s stroke of genius was to conceal his identity.

In fact, the Mystery King is willing to play with anyone who wants to challenge him, but he only ever appears in public completely disguised.

This aspect, combined with his skill, contributes to making him a character, despite the fact that by his own admission, he requires enormous sacrifice and methodical and meticulous constant attention.

So we know Rey’s voice, and we know that chess is a mission for him: King Enigma created ChessEnigma a platform that offers the possibility to practise and hone one’s skill in the game of chess through practical courses.

Can you play chess?

To me, the magic game in Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone immediately comes to mind

Or the episode of Columbo, one of those with Dog, by the way

Although the quintessential cinematic chess game is the one with death in The Seventh Seal.

Do you want to go on with other quotes?

In the meantime, I’ll make coffee to drink with these biscuits 🙂



In a week it will be Christmas, but what Christmas will it be?

This thought carries the nostalgia of memories that flow as if in slow motion.

If I could write a letter to me from 1979 I would tell myself to be overjoyed because the coming years will be an explosion of life, colors, sounds, emotions.
And I would tell myself to learn The logical song well, because one day unfortunately the meaning will appear in all its clarity.

If I could write a letter to me in 1989, I would tell myself that that was the first of thirty-two years of work that I will like but that I have to follow the desire to study and expect more for myself.
And I would tell myself to fight so that, just like in Berlin, all the walls are torn down.

If I could write a letter to me from 1999 I would tell myself that this whole idea of the 2000s is just a big soap bubble and that the upcoming future is wearing a mask that hides the regress.
And I would tell myself that there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path

If I could write a letter to me from 2009 I would tell myself that the crisis is not about to end and to be prepared to experience the recession.
And I would tell myself that The Resistance  isn’t just the best rock album.

If I could write a letter to me in 2019, I would tell myself to live every single minute with the awareness of the enormous value of simple moments that, however trivial, will change.
And I would tell myself that things are about to happen that I would never have believed.

But the worst fires burn intangible realities.


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