Filosofeggiando in allegrezza is the blog that gives us a new stage of the Journey from mug to mug, and now I have plenty of joyful serenity for these pictures too!

As you may have guessed, the photo below the title is from Spain: Galicia, and to be precise it is from the Vigo Book Festival

As Feiras do Libro de Galicia take place every year in various towns and cities in Galicia, in the spring and summer months, with stalls run by booksellers, and an extensive program of parallel activities, such as readings, meetings with authors, exhibitions, book presentations, etc., that make these events a meeting of great cultural interest.

The writer who most universalized Vigo was Jules Verne, in a passage from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Have you read it?

I missed it until my son brought it home from the elementary school library, but there’s always time to recover, right?

In Verne’s novel, the Vigo estuary hides very rich treasures from the Battle of the Bay or Battle of Rande.

“So, Mr. Aronnax (…), we are in that same bay of Vigo. It is up to you to unravel its mysteries.”

The battle took place on October 23, 1702 between the Anglo-Dutch and Spanish-French coalitions during the War of the Spanish Succession. Spanish galleons arrived at the Vigo estuary laden with the greatest treasure that had ever crossed the Atlantic: gold and silver, jewels…

“The sand was littered with those treasures. Then, laden with that precious booty, those men would return to the Nautilus, deposit their burdens and resume that inexhaustible fishery for gold and silver.”

Since then hundreds of dives have been made in the waters of the Vigo Estuary in search of treasure. Without going any further, six battle-related wrecks were located and identified in 2011.

Thus, don’t you think that the quote chosen to introduce the Festival:


is simply perfect?

If you want to discover further interesting anecdotes about Galicia, don’t miss the description of the trip here on Filosfeggiando in Allegrezza

Speaking of precious things then, here are two coffees from Monforte de Lemos!

So after Verne we can also mention Miguel Cervantes’ El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, precisely with reference to the Count of Lemos.

But about Monforte de Lemos you can ind more details on Filosfeggiando in allegrezza in the second part of the report.

And what about you? Where have you had your coffee lately?




One more cup of coffee is the Bob Dylan song that Lorenzo recommended me.

One more cup of coffee in this case for me represents the symbol of a new pleasant meeting, albeit online.

Before talking about it, a premise is necessary: when I wrote about Keep Calm & Go Volunteering in the comments Olivia asked:
Not wasting food is a very good idea. I never heard about this project before. How can young people be stipulated to waste less, to lead a more natural lifestyle? Could you tell us a bit more about it?

And Laura wrote:
Beautiful idea. I have the feeling that young people are victims of consumerism and therefore not inclined to recycle and recover. We hope that initiatives of this kind can break through.

So I turned the question straight to them, who were kind and nice enough to invite me for a chat.

In this way I was able to meet Ariela, who is the coordinator in charge, Edisona, Sophie, Veronic, Mehdi and Lorenzo.

“The” Lorenzo who recommended me Bob Dylan’s song as well as other interesting and precious tips on cinema, books and theater, mentioning Questi fantasmi

as Laura also told us .

And these young people, volunteers from the Europe Area of the Belluno CSV, also taught me a lot.

How to promote anti-waste culture in young people?

Going to schools, as they do, talking to children and teen-agers to spread not “lessons” but workshops, and returning several times to follow and see that the concept sown grows.

Stimulating to invent special recipes that have as a common denominator the idea of cooking without wasting based on the concept of giving, but also receiving advice.

Planning to create a blog where to publish these recipes to increase the interchange as much as possible.

Organizing events and celebrations on the occasion of international days.

By proposing linguistic tandems, or great opportunities thanks to their multiculturalism: informal conversations in English, French and Spanish, free and open to people of all ages led by Edisona , Sophie , Mehdi and Hamudi . with the aim of meeting the community, socializing and practicing languages.

And still broadcast their work through a web radio.

I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited and one thing is certain: there will be one more cup of coffee.



Keep Calm and Go Volunteering! 

In this case keep calm is not for the coffee but for an interesting as well as admirable volunteer project.

The general objective is to sensitize young people to the adoption of sustainable and responsible lifestyles, in contrast to the increasingly widespread “culture of waste” and disposable use.

The active promoters are four young people from different backgrounds: Edisona Xhani from Albania, Sophie Anvroin from France, Hamudi Salama Batah from Spain and Mehdi Meddeb from Tunisia who are involved in sharing information and promoting initiatives by working in the fabric of the community to combat food waste.

Keep calm and go volunteering therefore consists of a European Solidarity Corps that is funded by the National Youth Agency and promoted by the Europe Area of the Belluno Committee of Understanding. 

In fact, on Sunday a flash mob took place in Belluno to involve more people with the aim of raising awareness the population.

And speaking of the fight against food waste, I suggest you follow Paola who through her book ll gusto di non sprecare, her blog Primo non sprecare for years has been diligently and deeply involved in the fight against waste.

It was nice to discover that many of us use coffee grounds, so I trust in just as many precious suggestions for food as well.

What do you think?



After talking to me about the Italian courtyards Lela told me that the ballots for the election as mayor of Tbilisi have just been concluded and that Kakha Kaladze (Georgian: კახაბერ კალაძე) has been reconfirmed for the second term.

Although my soccer ignorance is periodically picked up by my son in his attempt to enlighten me, when Kakha Kaladze, or more precisely Kakhaber Kaladze is transferred from Dynamo Kiev to Milan, he was not yet born.

The numbers of his victories speak for themselves: with Milan he won a Scudetto, a Coppa Italia, a Supercoppa di Lega, two Champions League, a European Super Cup and a Club World Cup.

And his current political victory follows similarly significant previous posts as Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and later Deputy Prime Minister.

A beautiful family to crown even private life: four children with his wife Anouki Areshidze fashion designer even if, even more than the creations, my attention was attracted to this hat from the Café de Flore, curious coincidence?

Their firstborn is called Levan.
Anyone who already knows the life of Kakha Kaladze knows why.

I, for a change, have only just discovered it.

In the photo you can also see the monument to Liberty representing St. George defeating the dragon.

Many times we fail to defeat evil.
For the Kaladze family and for all those who have hoped with them, this has been the case.

Levan was Kakha’s brother: kidnapped a few months after his arrival in Milan. He was only twenty years old.
His body was found five years later.

Since I have mentioned San Giorgio, even though April 23 is far away, I would appreciate the Spanish custom of giving roses and I would dedicate one to the memory of Levan and all the other victims of kidnapping.


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