Filosofeggiando in allegrezza is the blog that gives us a new stage of the Journey from mug to mug, and now I have plenty of joyful serenity for these pictures too!

As you may have guessed, the photo below the title is from Spain: Galicia, and to be precise it is from the Vigo Book Festival

As Feiras do Libro de Galicia take place every year in various towns and cities in Galicia, in the spring and summer months, with stalls run by booksellers, and an extensive program of parallel activities, such as readings, meetings with authors, exhibitions, book presentations, etc., that make these events a meeting of great cultural interest.

The writer who most universalized Vigo was Jules Verne, in a passage from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

Have you read it?

I missed it until my son brought it home from the elementary school library, but there’s always time to recover, right?

In Verne’s novel, the Vigo estuary hides very rich treasures from the Battle of the Bay or Battle of Rande.

“So, Mr. Aronnax (…), we are in that same bay of Vigo. It is up to you to unravel its mysteries.”

The battle took place on October 23, 1702 between the Anglo-Dutch and Spanish-French coalitions during the War of the Spanish Succession. Spanish galleons arrived at the Vigo estuary laden with the greatest treasure that had ever crossed the Atlantic: gold and silver, jewels…

“The sand was littered with those treasures. Then, laden with that precious booty, those men would return to the Nautilus, deposit their burdens and resume that inexhaustible fishery for gold and silver.”

Since then hundreds of dives have been made in the waters of the Vigo Estuary in search of treasure. Without going any further, six battle-related wrecks were located and identified in 2011.

Thus, don’t you think that the quote chosen to introduce the Festival:


is simply perfect?

If you want to discover further interesting anecdotes about Galicia, don’t miss the description of the trip here on Filosfeggiando in Allegrezza

Speaking of precious things then, here are two coffees from Monforte de Lemos!

So after Verne we can also mention Miguel Cervantes’ El ingenioso caballero don Quijote de la Mancha, precisely with reference to the Count of Lemos.

But about Monforte de Lemos you can ind more details on Filosfeggiando in allegrezza in the second part of the report.

And what about you? Where have you had your coffee lately?

MILAN Sant’Ambrœs

MILAN Sant’Ambrœs

Today is a day of celebration for many people who live and work in Milan, but in general Sant’Ambrogio is an important event for everyone, arriving the day before the Immaculate Conception: both dates that officially kick off the Christmas season.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to visit the basilica of Sant’Ambrogio, I suggest you to mark it for the first useful occasion, for me among other things it represents the memory of the prelude to work, right in the immediate neighborough: in those same streets where until 2006 the Oh bej oh bej fair took place.

A particular name, a Milanese expression that, in addition to representing the dialect that is the roots, to which I always care, recalls the cries of joy of children: what could be more beautiful?

Oh beautiful! Oh beautiful! Were the games and sweets that Giannetto Castiglione distributed to children in 1510 to obtain benevolence from the Milanese fearing not to be welcomed in view of the assignment received from the Pope, towards which the Milanese had shown discontent.

Have you ever had the opportunity to visit this market?
I would say that it is really fun to browse among the stalls that offer curiosities and out of the ordinary objects.
These are some of Elisa‘s pictures from last year:

I was there once in the glorious 80s and a few years ago also in the new location in the Castello Sforzesco area again thanks to Elisa who then guided us to the Christmas Village, after a visit to the Natural History Museum which I also recommend, in particular to make children spend an unforgettable day.

After all, Milan is an inexhaustible source of interesting things to do, of beautiful things to see, and also of good things to eat, why not?
Since we are in the Christmas theme, for example, we cannot fail to mention the panettone which, among other things, always goes well with a good cup of coffee.

The official site of the consortium reports three different legends related to its origin. Which would you choose?
I choose the second, ça va sans dire… laughing

But let’s not get lost in romance: it’s almost time!
The appointment with the premiere of the Teatro alla Scala, which is one of the most worldly events ever, this year will be broadcast. 

A riveder le stelle.

It means to see the stars again, and let’s hope not only them.




“Welcome to the most beautiful bookshop in the world”
It is Luciana who gives us this visit!

If you know what it means to breathe the bohemian air by browsing the stalls along the Seine, for example, you have the perception of what the magic of a specific place is unique in the world, as in this case.

The human owner of the Acqua Alta bookshop, who for some was a marketing strategist and for others a dreamer, is Luigi Frizzo, but the real owners are cats.

I have already talked about Venice cats and about Luciana, but I haven’t told you yet that we met at school: even then she was doing her utmost to bring milk for the kittens that had been abandoned in the school yard we attended together. Also this picture is hers

So THANK YOU Luciana!

And you? Do you have any photos of the Venetian felines? Or cats and books?

I love the attitude of cats and I find that in Venice their living appropriating beauty naturally, ignoring anyone and anything with a seraphic attitude, becomes even more representative.

A sort of estrangement that recalls the moments of reading, the satisfying one, the one you wish it would never end.
The reading that has already captured you at the first sentence and that provokes the curiosity to know what is going to happen on the next page, the reading that literally transports you into the story, into its world, which also becomes yours.

What is the first book you would look for at the Acqua Alta bookshop?


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