Spring? White shirt!

Don’t you think so?

I have a real soft spot for white shirts and I guess you could call me an “addict.”

My wardrobe houses a number of them that have grown over the years.

I always like the white shirt, in any version, be it classic or Sangallo.

I find the white shirt a crosswise garment, suitable in every season, but when spring arrives it becomes a passepartout for lightness of dress and thought.

From the most typical cut to versions made particular by a detail, the white shirt knows how to be a touch of elegance and simplicity.

How do you feel when you wear your white shirt?

Which model do you prefer?

Would you like to look back together at some outfits that have become unforgettable?

For example, I would say that the Mia Wallace version is the most iconic.

Uma Thurman dances perfectly at ease in the asymmetrically cut shirt: slouchy, long points at the front and cufflinks.

Miranda Priestly obviously top fashion, the criss-crossed version is always very refined.

Julia Roberts frames the image of beauty with a knotted shirt in Pretty Woman

Meg Ryan distractingly American in “French.”

Audrey Hepburn thoroughly glamorous in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Dolores O’Riordan deeply essential.

Vivienne Westwood extravagant and brilliant.

Hermione Granger magical collegiate and Debbie Harry rock schoolgirl.

Will you add more examples of famous looks yourself?

Harper’s Bazaar quotes Marylin Monroe and for 2024 chooses the Peserico proposal.

How about retro style instead?

Giorgio Armani always perfect, this is one of his creations shown at Fashion week

Vogue publishes a roundup from the fashion shows.

At this point it is only right to quote Franca Sozzani and her famous phrase:

All women aspire to be elegant and, without understanding the true meaning of this term, they buy, in a lifetime, tons of dresses, bags, shoes. Then a woman arrives at a dinner party wearing black dinner jacket trousers and a white silk shirt, a perfect classic, and you notice her.

It is no coincidence that Franca chose a white blouse for her first cover in 1988.

Which white shirt do you choose for this spring?



Keep Calm and Go Volunteering! 

In this case keep calm is not for the coffee but for an interesting as well as admirable volunteer project.

The general objective is to sensitize young people to the adoption of sustainable and responsible lifestyles, in contrast to the increasingly widespread “culture of waste” and disposable use.

The active promoters are four young people from different backgrounds: Edisona Xhani from Albania, Sophie Anvroin from France, Hamudi Salama Batah from Spain and Mehdi Meddeb from Tunisia who are involved in sharing information and promoting initiatives by working in the fabric of the community to combat food waste.

Keep calm and go volunteering therefore consists of a European Solidarity Corps that is funded by the National Youth Agency and promoted by the Europe Area of the Belluno Committee of Understanding. 

In fact, on Sunday a flash mob took place in Belluno to involve more people with the aim of raising awareness the population.

And speaking of the fight against food waste, I suggest you follow Paola who through her book ll gusto di non sprecare, her blog Primo non sprecare for years has been diligently and deeply involved in the fight against waste.

It was nice to discover that many of us use coffee grounds, so I trust in just as many precious suggestions for food as well.

What do you think?



I had other things in mind for today’s coffee, but honestly now I feel a strong need for lightness.
So who more than Audrey can represent the personification of lightness without ever being superficial and without taking anything away from the seriousness of the challenges life poses?
I am not talking about only to her characters: her personal journey is also a great example of strength, balance, and tenacity in all the stages she has gone through, in all the decisions she has made, while maintaining and defending her privacy.
Her style is to subtract, she taught us the value of the essential.
In these days, everything is screamed, every declaration amplified by the big chests of the desire to arrive first. It no longer matter whether true or false, no matter what it will entail or what reactions it will provoke, it is published everywhere, and then the consensus starts.
The damages are not taken into consideration anymore.
Why cannot we do it in civil conduct?
Elegance is not only image, elegance is also a way of being, behavior, as well as bearing.
And for me, today, elegance is also civic sense, and respect.
Among the many anecdotes about Audrey Hepburn, I would particularly like to mention the one related to the wedding dress donated. In 1952, the marriage to Lord James Hanson was canceled few days before the established date. The dress for Audrey made by the Fontana sisters is ready and of course, it is gorgeous. Such a pity. Audrey then orders that it be donated “to the most beautiful, poorest, Italian girl whom the Fontana sisters will be able to find“.
Beyond the fact that it sounds like a fairy tale, the concept is: if I cannot have or cannot do something anymore, it does not mean that I should also preclude it from others.
Here it is the thought I would like to leave today.
And then:
remember, if you need a hand you’ll find it at the end of your arm. As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. “
Audrey Hepburn


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