After the rice article, Paola was so FANTASTIC that she came up with a KEEP CALM recipe that you can find here

It is a salty, stuffed and anti-waste rice quiche in perfect PRIMO NON SPRECARE – FIRST DON’T WASTE style.

Obviously I couldn’t wait to try, but before it would be better to indicate as a premise a necessary WARNING: you follow Paola’s original recipe and instructions laughing


300 grams of rice

½ liter of milk

½ liter of water

1 teaspoon of turmeric

1 egg

1 yogurt (or 100 grams of ricotta)

1 handful of cooked herbs

a few slices of raw ham

3 tablespoons of grated Parmesan

1 handful of hazelnuts

salt and pepper


1. Heat milk, water, turmeric and a teaspoon of salt

2. When it boils, throw in the rice and cook it for ten / fifteen minutes: you need to get a soft cream

3. In the meantime, put the hazelnuts in a bag to crush them with the meat tenderizer without breaking them too much (I think I have exaggerated …)

4. Add to the rice mixture: yogurt (I used ricotta) egg, salt and pepper as much as you prefer

5. Lightly grease the pan, or use a wet and well wrung sheet of baking paper

6. Turn on the oven at 200 ° in static mode (since I did not take the photo of the oven, I sneak in that of the herbs)

7. Pour half of the rice mixture, level it, and cover it with herbs and slices of raw ham

8. Complete with the remaining rice, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and hazelnuts

9. Bake in the oven until the surface is golden and crisp

10. Let the cake cool for a few minutes before serving (here I leave space for your eventual photo in case you want to try!)

Let’s say that I have a lot of room for improvement, right Paola?

I trust it will get better next time, which will be very soon because I loved this KEEP CALM quiche with its mix of flavors and textures!

What do you think?



In the picture red shoes in Vigevano where various initiatives were organized on the occasion of the international day for the elimination of violence against women

The theme of the 2021 campaign is #OrangeTheWorld.
Orange is the color to represent
a brighter future free from violence against women and girls, if you want you can share the gif or a personal picture of yourself with this color.

All very nice, but ten years have passed since Europe adopted the Istanbul Convention and in essence the situation is only getting worse.

The number of victims is terrifying, just as following the cases in the daily news leaves us stricken in the face of stories from which, to say the least, hallucinating circumstances emerge.

This is why I find it important to spread the number 1522 to contact the anti-violence line and I liked the idea of some stores to add it to the receipt, bags etc.

In case it is not possible to call, you can start a chat directly from the site

There are also many local associations that are a valid and efficient aid in the area.

The point where the mechanism jams is another and responds to the sad refrain “the laws are there, the difficult thing is to apply them.”

So I would say that since in recent days it has been amply demonstrated that, when the state really wants, in real time it carries out its intent, it would really be the case not to use two weights and two measures.

As my son’s teacher says “there are sons and stepchildren” or stepdaughters in this case, because we are all the same but some keep being more equal.



The Bridge is out: the new work by Mr. Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner. Fourteenth solo album by the professor who shaked and coughed just like the old man in that book by Nabokov.

I’ve never been able to think of Sting’s undoubtedly great career without considering The Police which for me are a piece of history. Do you?

The announcement with a tweet presenting Rushing water and If it’s love

I prefer Rushing water


At first listening it made me think back to the sounds of the 80s and somehow made me retrace this bridge backwards, taking me back to the carefree atmospheres that I needed.

Which is a bit like the intent of the song: Sting says “the song ‘Rushing Water’ is a fitting start to an album that seeks to bridge all of the petty differences that can separate us.”

And I really hope it can contribute in this sense: differences must not separate us

This is the sound of atmospheres
Three metric tonnes of pressure
This is the sum of all my fears
Something I just can’t measure

Perfect words.
Words combined with a harmony of lightness that magically illuminates the bridge, which exists.

Certainly we are not at the level of what I think is his greatest alchemy: that is one of my favorite songs of all time ever, even if very often I read many detractors.

At this moment, however, I would rather mention the pearl from his first solo album The dream of the blue turtles: we can change the title by putting any other description but the concept is very topical.
Don’t you think?

We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
But what might save us, me and you
Is if the … love their children too



Multiverse. There is a lot of talk about it again after the release of the new trailer for Spiderman No Way Home.


Obviously the favorite Spiderman survey starts:

Tobey Maguire

Andrew Garfield

or Tom Holland?

Let’s hope it doesn’t end up in a mess like Dark

The term was first used by William James in 1895 but did not refer to other possible universes:
visible nature is all plasticity and indifference, a multiverse, as one might called it, and not a universe.

Nature therefore.

Alternative worlds are rather present in the fiction of Jorge Luis Borges and H. G. Wells which I have already talked about.

The authorship of the thought on “parallel dimensions,” or universes coexisting and separated in space-time terms is instead attributed to Hugh Everett III controversial character who, however, did not have much consideration.

Subsequently the concept evolved into the so-called string theory: a sort of fusion between quantum mechanics and Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity.

The definition of “strings” derives from the idea of strings which, subjected to particular vibrations corresponding to particles with defined properties such as mass and charge, give rise to matter and energy.

Just like it was music.

Isn’t it fascinating?

Going back to conception in this case is a little more … swinging … but the contribution of Gabriele Veneziano is undoubted. 

From strings to get to the multiverse we need to consider Alan Guth’s theory of inflation and Andrei Linde’s new inflation not to be confused with the inflation that hinders us every day in this precise dimension.

Since the only thing clear in my mind is the chaos theory, I really like this video that shows the humanity of these unattainable minds and reminds us that the results can come even after “30 years” but that we must not give up.

Other times, however, the wait goes further, as in the case of A smooth exit from eternal inflation written in collaboration with Thomas Hertog but published after the death of Stephen Hawking, which Nick had mentioned in this interesting comment  about Schrödinger’s Cat

In another dimension… who knows, maybe we can imagine it like this

And you?
How do you imagine any other dimensions?

Do you ever think you have a Doppelgänger i.e. a person who has had exactly the same life experiences as you, but perhaps at this very moment he makes a decision that you would not choose?



Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty Anne Herbert’s popular precept has been expanded by Margaret Pavel into a powerful message for our era, and for all ages. Combined with Mayumi Oda’s watercolor art in the playful style of picture scrolls from 12th century Japan, offers delight and timeless wisdom.

I don’t know about you, but these days I really feel the need to re-share this sentence.

It is said that it was written on a restaurant’s paper placemat and I believe exactly that all the best inspirations are born more or less like this.

So I would like to write it wherever possible, but especially on the heart.

I would like to write keep calm and spread random kindness.

I hear and read too much hate.

I don’t care one side or the other, I don’t care above, below, sooner or later, because when hatred spreads, no one is right.

Yet we have a lot of history behind us, and we certainly do not lack examples.

Tis but thy name that is my enemy…
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet.

These are words that we all know practically by heart.

They are “ancient” words, but only because they were written in 1595 but sadly they could be from yesterday.

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion, people must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.

Another creepy example, you don’t even need to write about who these words are.

We remind them, let’s spread them.

If mine are too stupid, use those of The Great … precursor of the concept of spreading goodness:

We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.


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