New Emporio Armani fall winter 2022-2023 campaign: have I already said I like King Giorgio? Claro que si!

Have I already posted an Emporio Armani  fashion show? Claro que si!

And it is also clear that I have a particular fondness for Armani‘s gray tones and its unmistakable timeless lines, just like the cut of the pants that open this video


These images immediately made me think of one of the sequences I have loved since I was a child


How do you see yourself?

Do you have a four-legged friend who looks like you?

How did you meet each other?

Do you also walk symbiotically?

Photographer Gerrad Gethings, who specializes in such portraits, has published a series of shots centered on this very concept.

A BBC article describes this phenomenon called canine mini-me based on studies by Professor Michael Roy

Forty-five dogs and their owners were photographed separately and judges were shown one owner, that owner’s dog, and another dog, with the task of choosing the true match. The results were consistent with a selection report: observers were only able to match purebred dogs to their owners, and there was no relationship between the ability to match a person with his or her pet and the length of time they had lived together. The ability to match people and pets did not appear to be based on any simple matching of traits (e.g., size or hairiness). The results suggest that when people choose a pet, they look for one that, on some level, looks like them, and when they get a purebred, they get what they want.

What are your thoughts on this?

Among the main characters in the Emporio Armani video is a German dachshund, like our Rocky: my parents adopted him because the “human” he was living with wanted to get rid of him.

Rocky was afraid to do what was his “job” that is, to get into dens, and for that reason he was beaten.

Unfortunately, he was forever left with an extreme distrust of people, but with us he was very sweet.

Here, maybe I could say that shades of gray are only beautiful when it comes to clothing, what do you say?



I sincerely thank all the staff of Voyage Minnesota Magazine and especially Camila, for contacting me and for the space they gave me!

I went browsing in Minnesota to discover Egg coffee and this virtual journey allowed me to discover interesting things I did not know, but at the same time someone else discovered me.

Unbelievable stuff, I know.

Yet here I am, with new friends and another story to tell.

The story of a project that I liked right away.

The story of a project whose thoughts are key words, which are also my own:

We also think that artists rock.

This is kind of the concept of Minnesota Voyage Magazine:
We love small business, mom-n-pop and holes in the walls. We’re not snobs, but we don’t love most chains. We think independent entrepreneurs, freelancers and other risk-takers make our cities exciting places to live. We cherish the rebellious spirit, we don’t think just a handful of big companies should control all of our commerce, and we think smore with vegan marshmallows are better than regular marshmallows. We respect people and organizations that take the road less traveled. We root for the underdog and almost never say no to pizza.

After all, how can one say no to pizza?

If you’d like, after pizza, you can find me by clicking on this coffee



If I say cooperation, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Etymologically, collaborating means to work together.

Is there one particular thing you collaborate on?

A quote from Goethe says:
It is necessary to come together, not to stand together, but to do something together.

Do you find that to be right?

The laborious idea of doing, where unity does not make strength but creates.

Do you find more inspiration in sharing, or do you need your own carve-out of solitude?

Increasingly at the work level, an aptitude for teamwork is required as a more effective method than joining separate pieces together like puzzle pieces.

Speaking of joining and collaborating, 2010: Escape from Polis is a blog with a very unique concept: everyone can be an author as well as a reader and commenter.

I am very grateful because I received an invitation to write completely freely.

Of course, I accepted it very gladly and thought I would talk about the famous exoskeleton  about which there has been a lot of talk since the announcement of experimentation by workers of a well-known supermarket chain came out.

If you might like to express your opinion, or even just read about it: click on IMPROVE-MENTS



Today’s doodle is dedicated to Angelo Moriondo on the occasion of his birth date, so we can’t help but remember him here too!

This video from the Economy Times illustrates Angelo Moriondo’s story in broad strokes


I immediately focused on the date: 1884.

1884, which is the date of publication of the patent in the Official Gazette of the Kingdom of Italy. 

1884 which is the date on which the people of Turin, who already count the Bicerin among their specialties, enjoyed the world’s first espresso coffee.

1884 which is also the date when meridian 1 i.e. the Greenwich meridian was established.

But which also corresponds to exactly 100 years before what for me is the glorious and emblematic year 1984

To get back to coffee, Bicerin and chocolate though, Angelo Moriondo must be credited with a taste for GOOD things, since after coffee he founded the Moriondo and Gariglio chocolate shop. 

What struck me, is the historical sign, which reads “confetteria” exactly like Il caffè al Bicerin

The people of Turin, accustomed to coffee and chocolate, are sympathetically described to us by The Economic Times as impatient with respect to brewing times.

But precisely because of this excelling in the art of brewing, someone claims that Turin is the true Italian coffee capital … as the saying goes … there’s no two without three, right?

Here is the poster for the upcoming Turin Coffee: coffee exhibition in Turin to be held on June 11 and 12, on which “Turin coffee capital.” stands out.

Trieste, Naples or Turin then?



Il Perdilibri was kind enough to accept my participation the Bisarca contest 2022 too.

What a cute logo, don’t you think?

How much time passed with Settimana Enigmistica

Are you in the tunnel too?

Crossword or rebus, what do you prefer?

Did you know that it is possible to do crosswords online

As soon as I found them I couldn’t resist because immediately after the Mickey Mouse they were another “addiction” of mine.

But I missed browsing to get to the bottom, towards Bartezzaghi’s crosswords, anyway I’ll try again.

Returning to the Bisarca contest 2022, the chosen theme is “reason / emotional.”

With emotion, I’m a bit like a roller coaster, and theoretically I should be on a pro level, so to speak, yet mine is a very simple story, and I can’t explain …

Mr. Croda again this morning is sitting in front of the coffee that Susanna served him without saying a word: it is now a ritual, same time, same place, last table before the planter.
Mr. Croda again this morning is counting mentally to hold off anxiety: he is now accurate, there is no need to check the clock, he only deviates a few seconds.
Mr. Croda again this morning sees Mrs. Pedretti leave the church after the celebration: by now he knows that she lingers in the churchyard to chat with her friends.
What he does not know is that Mrs. Pedretti again this morning set her gaze on him: by now she would be disappointed if she did not see him.
Mr. Croda and Mrs. Pedretti no longer spoke to each other since the day when, while Mr. Croda was looking for a supplement for immune defenses in the pharmacy, accidentallt heard one of Mrs. Pedretti’s friends mocking her: “that hobo went to her handing a daisy, and she had the courage to accept it, easy, without showing a modicum of shame. “
“This makes her really ridiculous” was the pharmacist’s reply, before blushing when she saw him popping out from behind the shelf and running to the exit.
Mr. Croda does not want to embarrass Mrs. Pedretti.
Mr. Croda doesn’t want to embarrass anyone.
Mr. Croda again this morning hides his regret behind his dark glasses: he is now emotionally exhausted by people’s judgments.
Mrs Pedretti again this morning would like to go to Mr Croda to greet him: by now it is clear that he is deliberately keeping his distance, but she does not understand the reason.


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