Womad stands for World of Music, Arts and Dance, an international music and arts foundation known primarily for its festivals, held annually in multiple locations around the world.

You never know where interesting news may come from” is the concept I have learned throughout my years.

To confirm it I will tell you that the first time I found information about Womad I was reading with my son from his English school book.

We owe the idea of this music art and dance festival to Peter Gabriel


In 1982 the author of the immortal 7/4 song with that harmonic theme that brought everyone’s thoughts on that perfect green to the sky, together with a group of people started the first festival right in Somerset, in Shepton Mallet.

Later the project evolved into a mission: to create opportunities for cultural exchange and learning to bring the arts of different cultures to the widest possible audience by developing arts education and creative learning projects.

After all, Peter Gabriel’s spirit of contamination appeared to us loud and clear in the blending of tribal percussion and electro-synth sounds in Shock the monkey.

The resounding aspect of the Womad festival that is being held these days is that Carmen Consoli announced her participation with this picture.


The Singeress.

I would say she is perfect to represent the strength of roots and the richness of collaborations.


Carmen is the first Italian artist to perform at the world music festival.

July 27 / 30 – Charlton Park are the coordinates of Womad 2023.

While waiting, we can watch highlights from last year’s edition: the 40th.





Bubble Hotel, yes, literally bubble, because that’s what it’s all about.

Summer, vacation time.

Remember I told you about Nest in the Park

We are no longer in Lomellina, but we remain in places dear to me without basically straying very far while also staying in the realm of experiential tourism.

Bubble Hotel i.e., a relatively new type of accommodation that has grown in popularity in recent years.


These are essentially structures made of transparent material that allow guests to sleep under the stars and enjoy the natural environment around them.

A solution that combines the feeling of freedom and immersion of camping, with the luxurious comforts of a hotel room.


Gianluca Torre, with his trademark enthusiasm, explains the features of a Bubble Dome in Borgo Ticino in this video shows the features of a Bubble Dome in Borgo Ticino.

In general, these immersive igloos are scattered a bit all over the world: mountains, desert, northern lights latitudes …

The visual spectacle offered is not limited to stars but ranges over everything Nature gives, even snow for example.


What do you think?
Would you like to have an experience “in a bubble?”

Might it seem disturbing or poetic to you?

The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.
Haruki Murakami




The Galio Sphinx or Hummingbird Hawk-Moth, that is technically Macroglossum Stellatarum is a rather peculiar insect.

We happened to see it at my in-laws’ house who always have very beautiful flowers.

This insect immediately caught our attention just because of the way it flies, and even before we found out what it was, our first thought was: it looks like a Hummingbird

Actually more than an insect, the Hummingbird Hawk-Moth is a diurnal moth.

It belongs to the Sphingidae family, so called because of the characteristic position the larvae take.

The scientific name: Macroglussum defines the Hummingbird Hawk-Moth by the spiritromba i.e. the organ that allows them to suck nectar, which resembles a kind of proboscis, in the photo my husband took you can see it well.

The definitions Stellatarum or Galio, on the other hand, come from the species of plants that are the main food of the larvae: Galium, Rubia and Stellaria three species belonging to the category Rubiaceae.

And you know what else belongs to the Rubiaceae family right?


The Hummingbird Hawk-Moth, however, prefers nectar 🙂 preferring bell flowers because with its spiritrombra it can suck where other insects cannot reach.

Another peculiarity of the Macroglossum is the end of the abdomen that looks like a real bird’s tail.

But the greatest similarity between the Galian Sphinx and the Hummingbird is hovering or the way of flying while remaining stationary in the air: fixed-point flight.

Charming, isn’t it?

What if I told you that our hummingbird moth is also nicknamed the Bird of Good Luck

This moth is considered the bearer of good news.

What news would you like to receive?



One year ago, precisely on July 6, 2022, an explosion destroyed the Georgia Guidestones l and to date no guilty has been found.

The Georgia Guidestones were a granite monument hewn in 1980 in an area that for the Cherokee people is Al-yeh-li A lo-Hee which translates to “center of the world,”  on Elberton territory, more precisely.

For years the Guidestones have been such a tourist attraction that they have earned the nickname America’s Stonehenge

Well, this is an undoubted exaggeration, but I speculate that the Guidestones constituted an excellent calling card for a locality that carries the slogan “The Granite Capital of the World.” on its website.

A monolith of about 119 tons is certainly remarkable.

The reference to Stonehenge is due to some special features including, for example, the placement of the four large outward-facing vertical blocks that were oriented to the limits of the moon’s migration during the course of the year.

An oblique hole at eye level allowed the pole star to be visible at all times, symbolizing constancy and orientation with the forces of nature.

And a slit in the center of the stone formed a “window” that aligned with the positions of the rising sun at the summer and winter solstices and equinox so that the midday sun shone to indicate noon on a curved line.

The creators intended the stones to function as a compass, calendar, and clock.

But what most connoted the Guidestones was the message proclaimed on the monument in 12 languages, including archaic languages such as Sanskrit, Babylonian cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphics and classical Greek, as well as English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish and Swahili.

The text consisted of ten points, ten tips, ten guides for the preservation of mankind and future generations.

Keep humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Guide reproduction wisely, improving fitness and diversity.

Unite humanity with a “living” new language.

Rule Passion, Trust, Tradition and all things with tempered reason.

Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

Let all nations rule internally, resolving external disputes in a world court.

Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

Balance personal rights with social duties.

Prize Truth Beauty and Love seeking harmony with the infinite.

Be not a cancer on the earth. Leave room for nature. Leave room for nature.

Even Agent Smith’s monologue defines mankind as a cancer in the 1999 film The Matrix

In general, these are concepts that recur while remaining ever relevant and lend themselves to interpretation according to the reader’s point of view.

The only specific indication is the first one.

When it was carved, the world population was well over four billion people.


Who could have thought to write such a thing then?

The story described by the Elberton Granite Finishing Corporation itself explains that the patron was “a mysterious group of sponsors” represented by one man: Mr. Christian, who introduced himself as R.C. Christian.

Message and mystery for mankind

that was the slogan on the explanatory brochure.


Mr. Christian said only that this monument had been planned for years and that the ten “guides” for the preservation of man and the earth had been carefully formulated as a moralistic appeal to all peoples regardless of nationality, religion or politics.

Guidelines that were defined as “applicable to life.”

Until May 2022 when a senator included among her campaign points the demolition of the Guidestones, or rather, the Satanic Guidestones. 

Kandiss Taylor also noted a particular coordination with respect to the placement of the Guidestones as explained in this May 3, 2022 tweet

On July 6 he then thanked God again via tweet

Video from a surveillance camera shows the moment of destruction:



The remains have been removed for security reasons.

There are those who speak of reconstruction and those who inflame controversy and theories.

What will be the truth?
We wait to be enlightened …

Meanwhile, the Elberton Granite Museum offers an older story.  🙂



Glastonbury Festival is another iconic music event that takes place in the days following the summer solstice

Glastonbury is located about an hour from Stonehenge and is famous for the Glastonbury Tor or a hill on which St. Michael’s Tower is located.


There are legends about this place that lead back to Avalon, Ynys yr Afalon, the famous island linked to the myth of King Arthur, very exciting indeed.

Glastonbury also stands on a Ley line: a temporary line i.e. one of the lines that virtually connect places of historical significance related to the spiritual sphere.

Glastonbury Festival on the other hand concerns the musical sphere and was born in 1970 from the inspiration of Michael Evis after attending a Led Zeppelin performance.

What can we say … there is to be understood.

Throughout the years there have been memorable performances, difficult even to rank, out of all of them I would like to mention this one

Recently R.E.M. published on their twitter profile five songs taken from their 1999 concert asking their fans to vote for the best among: Loosing my religion, It’s the end of the world as we know it (we have already chatted about this song hereEverybody hurts, At my most beautiful and Man on the moon

Would you know how to choose?
Or do you have your own favorite performance by any other artist?

The Glastonbury Festival is also a case opportunity to indulge in distinctive outfits, but they turn out differently than those sported in the California sunshine for Coachella

The British weather calls for raincoats and boots: here is a roundup of looks  among which we can admire Emma Watson

How about?
Sun or rain as long as there is good music!

And of course coffee 🙂 


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