The hare always fears, and the leaves, which fall from the plants in autumn, always keep it in fear and, more often than not, flee.
Leonardo da Vinci

Instead she trusted us and didn’t run away!

For me it was really very nice: I always follow Luisella’s fantastic photos on the blog Between Italy and Finland but it doesn’t seem true that it can happen to get so close to free animals even here in our land of fog and mosquitoes… which are normally the only guaranteed close encounters.

The curious aspect is that it was a déjà-vu or a “date” since exactly one year ago the same thing happened.

So can I hope we will find each other again?



You can find the professional review here on the Matavitatau blog, I would like to have a chat, this time it goes well with tea, indeed tea at Regent’s Park.

And in particular I would like to talk about the soundtrack that I found fitting and that as far as I am concerned has absolutely underlined the whole vision giving an indisputable added value.

The original part was edited by Nicholas Britell. Jamie Fisher in the New York Times reports an interview with Barry Jenkins who describes him in detail . The phrase that struck me is “… there’s a slight Willy Wonka vibe to Britell in his studio” and I would say this is a good thing.

But then there is a whole long “repertoire” of quotes that to define “noteworthy” is absolutely reductive.

Time of the season: Estella arrives at the Liberty department stores, among other things some scenes were recorded in the real location


Feeling good by Nina Simone: Estella is happy because the Baroness liked her window and wants her to work for her.

The Baroness. Emma Thompson. In fact she is a lot like Miranda Priestly but I preferred Charlotte from The boat that rocked.

On first viewing: when Emma / Charlotte arrives on the ship, the WOW effect for me was far greater.

You will tell me: and what does it have to do with it? Nothing, in truth.
But I found common elements such as the music, the period, the swinging London… and it seemed much more “baroness” Charlotte, but you always correct me if I’m wrong.

Indeed, I let myself be corrected directly by her who declared: “oh, it’s some of the greatest track of all time.I mean, I arrive to the sound of The Doors … which I never arrived to any cooler soundtrack.”


Staying on the look theme, I wondered how the choice of Florence + The machine was born given that Florence Welch herself highlighted her affinities: “I was always interested in clothes and fashion seemed like this outlet for creativity, dressing up, for me, has always been a sort of self-actualizing of the inner spirit. I feel like it’s a way of getting to wear the soul of you outside of yourself.”

Florence also reveals that she uses clothes as a kind of “armor” to protect herself as her career expands. Just like Cruella uses fashion.


Another great woman who made fashion, but above all made history: Debbie Harry with One way or another in fact, as I have already written, I repeat that we should take a leaf.

Just as the concept of These boots are made for walking by Nancy Sinatra always holds true, perhaps obviously necessary, in a positive sense of course.

Less predictable, however, are I love Paris by Georgia Gibbs and Peraphs, peraphs, peraphs by Doris Day.

The version of Whole lotta love by Tina Turner and Ike fits well I would say.
Even if I have to listen to the original again: among other things, it was recently voted as the song containing the best guitar riff ever

And since we’re on the topic of rankings, I mention the Maneskin version of I wanna be your dog, keeping in mind that the BBC has published their “storming” in the English charts, which is a lot of stuff for how Italian music is generally considered.

I know, I’ve already gone a long way and haven’t even mentioned Stone Cold Crazy, Hush, or Sympathy for the devil. And I still would not have concluded, in fact it would take single dedicated posts because it is stronger than me: I don’t know how to be short laughing

It is true that it was said that this would be tea instead of the usual coffee, but I force myself to leave room for your comments because I am very curious to know your preferences, even if Cruella would say: “I’m just getting started, darling. .. “



I have already written how enchanting I find the creations of Samantha Bonanno, but now that we met and that she explained her world a little I must absolutely reiterate: do not miss them!

The books, the paper, the words, take shape and magically transmit emotions in a new dimension, absolutely coherent but at a sensorially three-dimensional level that tangibly reveals the soul enclosed in meanings so far only thought and imagined.

Metaphors, impressions, sensations and feelings expressed in a visual, evocative, and at the same time real and engaging sense.

In particular, the Art exhibited at the Scuderia of Castello Visconteo Sforzesco in Vigevano on the occasion of the exhibition Con la natura e con le mani represent the myth of Persephone in sequence.

GeodeA stone, but also Earth from the root of the name: Geo.
A return to the origin to understand where we started and what we can discover in depth. Waves of matter as a flow of time.

Kore. Childhood, youth. The spring that Persephone herself brings to earth in this existence of hers divided halfway between her mother Demeter who opposes the abduction carried out by Hades, and the role of queen of the underworld.
Κόρη, literally: the daughter; another name, of which numerous variants are known, first of all, Persephone [Περσεϕόνη];
In the double life of Kore the very reality of nature is foreshadowed by which everything that has life is born from the bowels of the earth and – after having completed a certain cycle – returns to the earth.
CORE: In common parlance, by core we mean the “core of the body”.

HekateSisterhood, transformation, dreams and magic. The cycle of life but also the center.
In ancient Greek: Ἑκάτη, Hekátē: she was the goddess of magic and crossroads and was the powerful mistress of darkness, she ruled over the demons, over the night, the moon.
She possessed in herself both the principles of generation, the masculine and the feminine. For this reason it is defined as the source of life and is attributed the vital power over all elements.
This work was made with pages of books in all languages.

And finally Ade. Created with a book not so good, but also in this case a balance: between good and evil.
Basically Persephone does not hate him, not everything is negative, just as from a less pleasant book Art can be born in such a sublime way.

Then maybe Samantha will correct me if I am wrong or leave something out, but in the meantime I advise you to deepen her works because even the sculptures are an unmissable experience for me: from falling in love.

And I would say that Samantha Bonanno in her works contains the essence of …
“To give human life a lofty and enchanting meaning.”
Hermann Hesse.



Poppies are nice, they are simple, they are spontaneous, they are impressionists laughing they are light, they are cheerful, they are summer, they are color, they are warmth.

But they also become sad, when they represent the symbol that John Mc Crae chose to remember the victims of war.

At the beginning of the First World War, John McCrae was asked to join 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery as the Medical Officer. In May 1915 during the heaviest fighting of Second Battle of Ypres, McCrae and his dressing station were within site of the Essex Field cemetery. After 17 exhausting days and the death of a comrade, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, her wrote his immortal poem “In Flanders Fields.”

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Here recited by Leonard Cohen


This made me think of Lomellina, its poppies and its victims of a silent massacre, which is not even a war, because basically nobody or almost no one cares.

I have already spoken of silent deaths, of herbicides, of glyphosate, of PM 2.5 and of liveability that are open wounds for me.

So we should not be surprised if once in a while some newspaper launches a news that is a little more taken up, but which in the meantime has already been forgotten in favor of other arguments, including aliens.

And we should not be surprised if an interception only confirms what we already know, that is, that unscrupulous people do not care in the least about the damage caused by the poisons that spill into our territories in the form of “sludge” in order to earn, indeed, they joke about it. .

It is not true that “hurting the environment and the territory is equivalent to not having hurt any physical person.”

Many people will get sick and will have to fight with all their might.



It has been a long time since I sent the first book for this small bookcrossing project but between one thing and the other my times expand … laughing

I don’t know if you’ve already read the concept in about me page: I hope that it could be a good idea for you as well, if you can be interested in the book you find in the category, all you have to do is to let me know where to deliver it. I don’t ask anything in return for me, but I would suggest using the concept shown in the movie “Pay it forward”: I would like you to pass a favor on to someone else. Thanks.

As a second proposal I thought of Stephen King.
The Outsider.
The book is in Italian language.

I make a premise: HBO has produced a series.

and to stay in my way of doing things backwards, even though this was unintentional again, I saw the series first.

So one would think: a ruined book, already knowing the story… and instead I liked it a lot.

It goes without saying that in general I like Stephen King’s books, but I’m really glad I read it, if only to discover the real Holly Gibney.

In this regard, I find the coincidence singular because exactly like Abra in Doctor Sleep, the movie version of Holly also left me perplexed: both too different from how the author thought them.

For this reason I am happy to have met the Holly Gibney of the book: a character particularly full of contradictions. Which is why I probably felt a certain affinity …

But the references to the reflections that arose after reading Doctor Sleep do not end there!

Incredibly, on page 270 I find the following part of the dialogue, and it is Holly who speaks: “I have seen Paths of Glory at least a dozen times. It is one of Kubrick’s best films. Much better looking than The Shining and Barry Lyndon in my opinion. On the other hand, he was a lot younger when he shot it. The way I see it, young artists are much more likely to take risks. “

What to say?
Stephen King: The Outsider… much more than a title.

I smiled to myself as I read imagining him devising this further way of reaffirming the concept I had already described here: “a beautiful car with no engine.”

Instead I hope that bookcrossing and passing a favor get started, what do you think?


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