Fomo means Fear of Missing Out.

Neologism appeared on Treccani already in 2015 and, as indicated by the Accademia della Crusca, published in the Zingarelli in 2022.

I just told you about Darth Anxiety: on fears I am very well prepared.

Have you ever had fear or a sense of exclusion?
Do you have or know other types of phobias?

The first considerations regarding the phobia of being excluded would seem to go back to Dan Herman, marketing expert, I would advise you to take a moment to read this analysis

The fear of being cut out can also be understood as exclusion from the famous commercial offers that offer products in promotion “until sold out” or by announcing a limited number of pieces.

But the academic study on the phenomenon was published by the team of Andrew Przybylski of the University of Oxford and pointed out that Fomo disproportionately affects young people, especially males.

This leads to associate the fear of being cut off with the virtual world of social networks.

However, it is not so obvious and according to a further National Library of Medicine‘s study which was also attended by “our” Sara Palmieri there is still a lack of correlation.

The results are as follows:
In some populations, FoMO appears to increase with age and is inversely in other populations. Facebook use is unrelated to FoMO in some populations, and a higher FoMO is linked to stopping Instagram use for some individuals. The FoMO-Internet use association is independent of gravity, since the interaction is not significant and this association is neither linear nor curvilinear. The FoMO-Internet use association does not appear to be associated with depressive, anxiety and stress symptoms or life satisfaction levels.
FoMO demonstrates a considerable role in the use of the Internet; however, there is no evidence of bidirectional interaction or association between the aforementioned. Overall, we still don’t know what factors contribute to individuals exhibiting distinct patterns in the FoMO-Internet use association.

What’s your opinion?
What do you think about social networks?

On June 28, a film produced by KDPBelgium will premiere in Antwerp, the title is FOMO:
a group of 10 influencers take part in a brand new reality show with a trip to the world as the main prize. The game, which takes place deep in the forest, doesn’t turn out to be as innocent as thought. Numerous bizarre situations occur that lead the group to question the program setting. When a masked killer suddenly shows up, the game turns into a battle for survival and a game of cat and mouse takes place between the influencers and the killer.

But in this case I would say that the type of fear is very different, isn’t it?



Star Wars day or May the fourth iconic data that represents the mythical motto May the Force be with You.

The Star Wars day 2022 in Vigevano took place not on the 4th but on the 7th of May: that is the first Saturday next, and the force was in all those who love the Star Wars saga.

At the event organized by Diapason for Medium Size in collaboration with Bottega dei suoni more than force I felt happiness flow through me when I saw these children

Isn’t it wonderful to see them play so free in a meadow

Of course I also congratulate a lot with all the extras of the international costuming groups officially recognized by LucasFilm: 501st Italica Garrison representatives of the empire and the Sith, Rebel Legion Italian Base  representatives of the Rebellion and the Jedi, Ori’Cetar Clan representatives of the Mandalorians, Saber Guild Trento duelists with lightsaber together with  the section dedicated to children under 18 Galactic Academy Varykbellino.


Unlike some very characterized genres, which often either love or hate each other, I believe that Star Wars is universally known and even appreciated, albeit to different levels.

As usual, by now you know me, even in Star Wars I arrived later, with one of my usual trains late …

I remember very well the amazement of Massimo, who was not yet my husband at the time, choosing a film to watch together: “You’ve never seen Star Wars ?!”

At the time there were only the first three movies, released in May in the years 1977, 1980 and 1983, which then in reality became the fourth, fifth and sixth, that is the Sequel Trilogy, after that starting from 1999 George Lucas returned to give other “episodes” that made up the Prequel Trilogy.

Obviously it was love at first sight, or perhaps I should say a lightsaber stroke: a lot to learn I still had

And you?

Needless to say, the soundtrack immediately impressed itself indelibly in my mind. Standing ovation for John Williams

Speaking of impressions… what do you think of these cappuccinos

The dark side of coffee …

Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger to hate; hate leads to suffering ...

In the comments the picture of a native character particularly radicalized in fear: Darth Anxiety 🙂


Wandering around, unfortunately only in a virtual way, better than nothing, I came across the egg coffee.

Did you already know him?

I found it in Minnesota, where the tradition of this recipe is carried on, which is actually referred to as Scandinavian.

And at this point I would ask for Luisella‘s help. 

In the Midwest, coffee with egg is also called Lutheran coffee or Church basement coffee and has become a local specialty, apparently no longer known in Scandinavia as evidenced by the tone of this Minnesota Brown tweet

By the way Salem! Curious coincidence, isn’t it?

The connection between Scandinavia and Minnesota dates back to the mid-1800s when Scandinavian immigrants brought their method of making egg coffee to the Midwest of the United States to improve the suboptimal coffee available.

The egg absorbs the tannins and impurities that typically lend bitterness and unpleasantness to cups of low-quality boiled coffee.

Swedes and Norwegians invented this method of preparation, which requires breaking a whole egg into the coffee grounds with a little water, mixing everything together.

After bringing the water to a boil in a coffee pot, the coffee blend is added, which must remain in the infusion.

In this video that I found really interesting you can see the procedure well


It doesn’t look bad, what are you saying?

Joy K. Lintelman wrote a very in-depth article: A hot heritage – Swedish Americans and coffee, I particularly like the historical images.

Instead Joy Estelle Summers tells for Eater: I remember watching my grandmother who made us egg coffee when we visited his summer cabin on the orange shores of Lake Esquagama, Minnesota. She broke an egg into a small bowl and beat it until it was well blended, then mixed the egg with the dry coffee grounds …

This grandmother‘s memory is beautiful,  right?

And your grandmother, what did she prepare?



Shrinkflation is the situation where the price of a product remains the same but its size shrinks.

Unfortunately many products have been affected by shrinkage

Basically, a clever way to covertly raise prices by downsizing the content.

Many examples are listed in this video by The Wall Street Journal


I had already talked about the disappointment of finding a few cookies in deceptive packages that suggest larger quantities, but here we are facing a procedure for which a complaint has been filed to one hundred and four powers of attorney to ascertain that it is not part of the crime of fraud

All this fits into a context that raises serious concern: the ISTAT publishes the provisional inflation data in April 2022 equal to 6.2% on a annua, and FAO complaint how world food commodity prices have made a significant leap in March to reach the highest levels ever.

The report Effects and expectations on inflation edited by IPSOS for FederDistribuzione of March 2022 does not reveal anything that we cannot imagine on our own: the main concerns of Italians are employment and the economy, as illustrated by this chart.

With my anxiety I certainly spoil the excess, but you are optimistic, right?

How do you go about purchasing?
Do you notice the weight of the product?
Have you had the opportunity to directly observe any cases of shrinkflation?


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