Afghanistan where God only comes to weep is the title of the book written by Siba Shakib that I read thanks to Vincenzo Franca e Francesco

Also with Siba Shakib I share month and year of birth

And in this video among other things she talks about sitting together and drinking coffee.


But this time the reading instead of a relaxing moment was particularly painful.

This book was still a journey, from which, however, I returned with a wound.

Afghanistan, where God only comes to weep.
I think the words chosen by the author as an introduction to her book are absolutely emblematic.

When I told about Denise Ho, Gabriella reminded how important it is to keep the focus on other realities as well, and surely the condition of women in Afghanistan is one of them.

On July 1, the Human Rights Council concluded its 50th regular session after adopting 23 resolutions and held an urgent debate on the human rights of women and girls in Afghanistan. In a resolution, the Council reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights by all women, girls and children in Afghanistan, including the right to freedom of movement, the right to education, the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including their sexual and reproductive health, the right to work and the right to access justice on an equal basis with others. The Council asked the High Commissioner to hold an enhanced interactive dialogue during its 51st session, with the participation of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Afghanistan.

Yet these words seem sterile empty and useless: UN News on July 1 published a terrible “statistic”

The situation of women in Afghanistan is so desperate that they commit suicide at the rate of one or two a day.



The witches seed is a title catching me immediately.

I was struck, as I often am, by the word witches, before I even found out that The witches seed is a rock opera inspired by a true story.

I was struck, as always, by the word rock, before I even found out that the music is by Stewart Copeland.

No need to specify who Stewart Copeland is  right?

After all, there are not very many legendary drummers.

And don’t miss this his I need coffee … Bali coffee rocks


sugar aside, I’m happy!!!

The witches seed where could it be represented if not in nature?

Tones theater Nature is great project of Tones on the Stones, which through a path of environmental redevelopment has begun to transform the former industrial site of Cava Roncino into a permanent Theater immersed in nature.

Magical isn’t it?

Yet that’s not all: some of the songs were written by Chrissie Hynde, another name that certainly needs no introduction, yet we can call Chrissie one of us about coffee.

Indeed, in this tweet she writes: as if I realized that over the years I would become a bit of a coffee snob. Easy to do with this new coffee culture we have embraced. But when I read Patti Smith’s tribute to Sam Shepherd, I noticed that she was referring to a cup of Nescafé when Sam called in the middle of the night.It was on my mind for a few months and I realized I was going to be a coffee snob. Surely if it’s good enough for Patti Smith, it’s good enough for me.
Now I make myself a cup of powdered coffee and get on with my day.

What to say?

If instant coffee is good enough for the great …

Speaking of great, the main performer of The witches seed will be Irene Grandi.

Besides year and month of birth, we share
Before to disagree
Try listening a little more ...

Unheard certainly have been all women tried and convicted of witchcraft, and The witches seed is inspired by a true story based on the writing of Jonathan Moore.

So let’s recap the ingredients:

– mix of Ossola Valley and immersive set projections by Edvige Faini

– mix of real-life characters and fantasy enrichments

– mix between rock and opera by the Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Eimear Noone

– mix between the pop rock imprint of Irene Grandi and the caliber of two sopranos: Maddalena Calderoni and Veronica Granatiero

– mix of Manfred Schweigklofer’s direction and Nemo Academy’s digital arts

what do you say, could that be enough?

But no: there are other really special weaves, and they are the Intreccincantiere promoted by Manifattura di Domodossola in collaboration with Lineapelle to enhance Made in Italy design and creative art, which will give a totally unique touch to the costumes.

So: July 22 and 23, The witches seed, save the date



Three million euros is the amount awarded as compensation for the 17 years spent in prison by an innocent man, one would wonder if this is the price of a depredation.

This is what I had written in recounting the Ilaria Alpi affair. 

But now unfortunately a further question must be added: Is three million euros the cause of Hashi Omar Hassan’s death?

According to the thesis bouncing around the various news outlets, the reason for the killing is precisely related to the compensation money.

But the Order of Journalists together with Usigrai and Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana, in union with all the associations participating in the #NoiNonArchiviamo campaign, 

have signed a writ of incorporation as offended parties to continue to demand the truth about the death of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin.

Let’s take a step back: with the previous story, I had stopped with the compensation for the wrongful imprisonment of Hashi Omar Hassan. To summarize what happened next we can refer directly to his appeal published

on the Facebook page of Chi l’ha visto

Hashi Omar Hassan therefore asked for help so that he could find his family in Sweden and Somalia.

In Somalia, however, he found death, a violent death, just as violent was the death of Ilaria and Miran.

A bomb under the seat of his car in Mogadishu blasted him and the silence that like a dusting will fall back on the truth, beginning to cover it again with the blanket of time.



Can we really come to accept the idea of virtual children?

I had already told you about the virtual newscaster who went on air for 70 days without anyone noticing.

But to go so far as to talk about virtual children is far beyond that.

Virtual children or even tamagotchi kids, that is the definition that went viral after the publication of Catriona Campbell‘s book which, however, I have not read. Have you?

Artificial intelligence and Metaverse, two concepts that are gradually entering our lives.

It is these days, for example, the news of the first degree in the Metaverse, although the term Metaverse was coined thirty years ago: in 1992, in the book Snow Crash written by Neal Stephenson

His project Lamina1: a Level 1 blockchain created specifically to enhance the open Metaverse, in collaboration with Peter Vessenes, considered a pioneer of cryptocurrencies, and founder of the first Bitcoin company.

Lamina1 therefore envisions itself as the base level for the Open Metaverse, a place that privileges creators, technical and artistic, providing support, spatial computing technology and a community to support those who are building the Metaverse.

Have you already thought about what your avatar might look like?

Having an alter ego still remains quite different from having a virtual child, yet these images show how far the line has already been crossed.

A year ago I was telling you about Gaia X and now we have Baby X

interact with the computer as if you were interacting with a person are you comfortable with this concept?


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