Modica chocolate is the exquisite gift from Valeria, whom I thank again!

I had heard a lot about it but had never tasted it, had you?

It was a total revelation at the first bite: I did not know its uniqueness.

The Modica chocolate is grainy, it has a very crumbly consistency, but at the same time the bar is compact.

You can feel the sugar very much. 

A perception made possible by the processing completely unique: cold.

I use the words of Hanns Josef Ortheil to explain better:
great is the amazement when I taste Modica chocolate because suddenly sugar crystals are on my tongue: like a whirlwind of seeds they slide across my tongue from side to side.

This astonishment is described in the book Die insel der dolci or The Island of Sweets in which the author speaks of miracles made of fruit, sugar, nuts, nourished by the aromas that only the southern sun produces.

A journey to discover sweet Sicily, from Catania via Palermo to the chocolate city of Modica, always on the trail of mysterious delicacies, together with his daughter: Lotta Ortheil, photographer, to represent the magic of the Island of Fragrances and Sweets.

And I don’t know if you have had a chance to see another magic of nature these days, as astounding as it is frightening: volcano Etna  in activity.

Back to taste explosions, which are undoubtedly less dangerous, I would like to conclude by adding that Modica’s PGI product  contains antioxidant and anticoagulant properties, but above all, as with all types of chocolate, stimulates the production of endorphins.

And endorphins induce euphoria and therefore a good mood, something we all need, do we?



Did you know that Lavazza was rewarded at the European Coffee Awards?

The Coffee Awards gather the best leaders in the industry each year and winners are chosen by a team after deep analysis.

The award to Lavazza was delivered in Barcelona, where the fourteenth edition took place.

The creator of the European Coffee Symposium (ECS) is Jeffrey Young: since 2008 he has been working to realise the dream of bringing together the most influential minds in the coffee and hospitality industries across Europe.

Jeffrey Young is the Managing Director of Allegra Strategies with 20 years of experience in global market analysis and focuses on coffee through the Allegra World Coffee Portal

Lavazza was awarded the title Best Coffee Roaster 2023.

Personally I am delighted, what do you think?

Lavazza Red Quality belongs to my earliest memories as a child.

Lavazza in 1970 created a new standard by introducing the vacuum-packed aluminium foil pack for the launch of Red Quality.

I don’t need to remind you that the aromatic note of Lavazza Red Quality is chocolate, do I?

A product on the market from more than half a century while remaining consistently intact and maintaining the right balance between quality and price that has allowed it to serve 20% of the coffees in Italy.

How about that?

Not to mention that Lavazza gave us Caballero and Carmencita, remember them?


Carmencita just wanted Paulista ‘the man in sight with the conquering moustache’ but she would never have imagined Lavazza Best European Coffee Roaster.



This is a somewhat particular “step” on the mug-to-mug journey, or perhaps I should say it is more of a crossover with Coffee Kiss

The kisses, however, are chocolate, and more specifically they are Kisses of Alassio.

Alassio is a resort on the Ligurian Riviera, and here there is real-time sea views thanks to a webcam.

In the 1950s Alassio became a popular destination throughout Europe, a haunt of artists and celebrities who gathered in the cafés still symbolic of the Dolce Vita.

I find this description particularly beautiful.

One such café is precisely Pasticceria Balzola, still making the sweets patented by Balzola Pasquale in 1919.

I thank Monica who gave them to us as a gift!

Have you tasted these Baci = Kisses yet?

Or have you already “seen them?”

Yes: Kisses in Alassio can also be seen, in the form of exhibited works: Artàporter issued a call for artists to submit tiles for the Muretto virtual version.

Alassio thus becomes METALASSIO and some artists have represented the Kisses this way:

Speaking of virtual kisses, have you ever heard of Kissenger?

I know, it’s a name that immediately evokes a parody …

But Kissenger really exists, though: it’s an app with a device you can attach to your phone to send each other kisses via phone …

I’ll pass, over the phone at most you can get me to sing … you know the song Kiss by Prince, also made famous by Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman who sings it in the bathtub?

Or on the phone kisses can be written, quoting some of the most beautiful poetry ever written, for example there is
Love’s Philosophy by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the Ocean,
The winds of Heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
in one another’s being mingle
Why not I with thine?
See the mountains kiss high Heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdain’d its brother:
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea
what are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?

But since we are talking about the sea, at this point I ask you: did you in Alassio eat the Kisses, see them, or give them?



Today’s doodle is dedicated to Angelo Moriondo on the occasion of his birth date, so we can’t help but remember him here too!

This video from the Economy Times illustrates Angelo Moriondo’s story in broad strokes


I immediately focused on the date: 1884.

1884, which is the date of publication of the patent in the Official Gazette of the Kingdom of Italy. 

1884 which is the date on which the people of Turin, who already count the Bicerin among their specialties, enjoyed the world’s first espresso coffee.

1884 which is also the date when meridian 1 i.e. the Greenwich meridian was established.

But which also corresponds to exactly 100 years before what for me is the glorious and emblematic year 1984

To get back to coffee, Bicerin and chocolate though, Angelo Moriondo must be credited with a taste for GOOD things, since after coffee he founded the Moriondo and Gariglio chocolate shop. 

What struck me, is the historical sign, which reads “confetteria” exactly like Il caffè al Bicerin

The people of Turin, accustomed to coffee and chocolate, are sympathetically described to us by The Economic Times as impatient with respect to brewing times.

But precisely because of this excelling in the art of brewing, someone claims that Turin is the true Italian coffee capital … as the saying goes … there’s no two without three, right?

Here is the poster for the upcoming Turin Coffee: coffee exhibition in Turin to be held on June 11 and 12, on which “Turin coffee capital.” stands out.

Trieste, Naples or Turin then?



Living the sweet life these are words that came to my mind when I discovered this incredible find.

Honestly, I didn’t really believe it right away, but in fact it was really communicated by an official source.

Galina Georgievna Fiódorova, an artist-restorer of the Hermitage Museum from St. Petersburg, while she was working on a dress of the Grand Duchess Ksenia Aleksandrovna Romanova Ксения Александровна Рома, noticed that one of the sleeves had been sewn for some reason, but the stitch was light enough, so she decided to remove the thread.

At that point something pink fell on her hand, it looked like a pebble.

Many have talked about chocolate.

A chocolate no less than 118 years old!

It is true that I have always maintained that chocolate cannot expire … laughing but here we would be over !!

Actually I would say that it is more of a candy.


The ubiquitous sugar.

Also long-lived …

The funny thing is that Ksenia took a bite and then, not knowing how to get rid of it, is supposed to have hidden the candy up her sleeve.

But there is something even more absurd: Galina declared that she had the instinct to… taste it !!

Here’s how she realized the sweet taste.

Some ancient instincts have probably been triggered

Infants actually study what happens in their hands by bringing it to their mouths, but honestly I would never have the instinct to “taste” an unidentified object.

What about you?

I know, it’s incredible, yet here you can find the video published on the official profile of the museum.

Galina and Nina Ivanovna Tarasova, curator of the costume fund of the Department of History of Russian Culture, talk about the restoration of the dress created for the famous 1903 costume ball and explain the unexpected discovery.

One of the sleeves was sewn for some reason, but the stitch was light enough and the restorer decided to remove the thread …

I know it’s a who cares news of the most extreme kind, but because of its absurdity I thought it should be told, above all to understand, have you ever hiding food in an unusual way? I know a slice of salami in my pocket, a sandwich in the leg …

And what could you have up your sleeve?

Better the classic “aces” perhaps, or not?


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