Glastonbury Festival is another iconic music event that takes place in the days following the summer solstice

Glastonbury is located about an hour from Stonehenge and is famous for the Glastonbury Tor or a hill on which St. Michael’s Tower is located.


There are legends about this place that lead back to Avalon, Ynys yr Afalon, the famous island linked to the myth of King Arthur, very exciting indeed.

Glastonbury also stands on a Ley line: a temporary line i.e. one of the lines that virtually connect places of historical significance related to the spiritual sphere.

Glastonbury Festival on the other hand concerns the musical sphere and was born in 1970 from the inspiration of Michael Evis after attending a Led Zeppelin performance.

What can we say … there is to be understood.

Throughout the years there have been memorable performances, difficult even to rank, out of all of them I would like to mention this one

Recently R.E.M. published on their twitter profile five songs taken from their 1999 concert asking their fans to vote for the best among: Loosing my religion, It’s the end of the world as we know it (we have already chatted about this song hereEverybody hurts, At my most beautiful and Man on the moon

Would you know how to choose?
Or do you have your own favorite performance by any other artist?

The Glastonbury Festival is also a case opportunity to indulge in distinctive outfits, but they turn out differently than those sported in the California sunshine for Coachella

The British weather calls for raincoats and boots: here is a roundup of looks  among which we can admire Emma Watson

How about?
Sun or rain as long as there is good music!

And of course coffee 🙂 



Suspended Panettone is a Milanese initiative that takes its inspiration from the famous suspended coffee in Naples.

With Laura from At Amalia’s table we have already made a comparison between Naples and Milan to understand the most common habits and ways to drink coffee

And, as a curious coincidence, in recent days we found ourselves studying Christmas sweets starting from the tale of the legends about Panettone

I therefore find this new intersection between Naples and Milan even more beautiful because when it comes to generosity there is always something to learn.

Suspended panettone arises from the assumption that unfortunately many people find themselves facing conditions of extreme discomfort, with the aggravating consideration that the situation is constantly and constantly worsening.

Of course, Panettone cannot make any difference, but it can represent a very small gesture, an outstretched hand, a breath of warmth on a day that should be peaceful for EVERYONE.

Therefore, using the Naples system, according to which it is possible to pay for a coffee at the bar leaving the manager the right to offer it to those who are unable to, even in Milan you can buy a Panettone that will remain waiting to be donated.

Furthermore, to each suspended Panettone, the pastry shop will add another in order to double the total number of panettone to give.

To orchestrate this initiative, an ETS was born: “Associazione Panettone Sopeso” which will deliver the panettone to two Milanese structures: the Enzo Jannacci reception home and the Custodi Sociali of the Municipality of Milan.

The patisseries giving this opportunity are recognizable through an exposed logo

and the list, complete with addresses and coordinates, is available on the website where it is also possible to donate online.

It is Christmas and on the Navigli, as in the center of Milan, it is no longer possible to enter the shops: the meager or the hefty salaries allow everyone an ungenerous crowd in search of a happiness that is not there, or that at least cannot be bought. This year I put out the candles: everyone invited me, but that night I won’t do anything different, nothing that I don’t always do, just like when I was a child; at the limit we changed rooms, we went from the room to the dining room to see if Jesus had arrived, and to eat the panettone, which was then called “el pan de Toni” …

Alda Merini, 21 December 2006 



These are days of heavy thoughts and perhaps for this reason even more I feel an instinctive call towards traditions, as if I could find a kind of refuge.

So I re-launch the invitation to share ideas or recipes that refer to Halloween rather than Samhain.

After having definitely appreciated the pumpkin pie, I wanted to try to recover the recipes of Lomellina.

But apparently we are more predisposed to the oral tradition without then bothering to transfer in writing …

In fact, it is a feat to find sources other than the same phrase bounced more or less at random without confirmation.

Annalisa Alberici wrote very well about this in the book Cucina del Pavese della Lomellina and Oltrepo

on page 13 there is an important question:
Does Pavese cuisine exist?

The answer is long and complex, but in short:
I must admit: over the centuries the cuisine of Pavia was never written. Or it was by chance.

Apparently Pavia cuisine is just like the beautiful silence… and as soon as I read this sentence I could not help but smile, thinking back to the memory of the sentence my grandmother used to repeat to me

In reality, however, I also found another book that talks about Milan with reference to the Visconti‘s period, which therefore it can be considered extended to Vigevano

and it also mentions Pavia:

At the table, the sadness of the day of the dead, with its traditional visits to the cemetery, yields to the traditional dishes that require the biella (pot) with supa coi sisar (chickpea soup) enriched with pork rinds, and pangiald or bread of the dead. Now pangiald can be bought in bakeries or pastry shops, but it was once baked in the home oven.

It is true that my family is contaminated, but we have never eaten chickpeas… so the pangiald remains right.

All Saints’ Day, bread … this phrase comes to mind:
The two best and holiest smells are those of warm bread and rain-soaked earth.
Ardengo Soffici

Here it rains less and less, but the earth is still wet: by fog.

So, rather than for the kitchen, it is on the scary side that Lomellina has nothing to envy, our atmospheres lend themselves a lot!

In fact, unlike the recipes, there is no shortage of legends.

Al diaval: the devil, for example, would have unleashed all his fury on the church of Santa Maria in Lomello to prevent the second marriage between Queen Teodolinda, a Catholic, and Agilulfo instead of Arian.

Among the various versions handed down, the official website of the municipality has published the most suggestive.

About the stria: witch, as you can imagine, there are many stories and it seems there are also direct testimonies … but you know, this part is the “soul” of these stories … forgive the pun.

Among all I would opt for the one that gave the name to The Branch of the Witches which is actually a wonderful branch of the Ticino river


It is said that The Branch of the Witches was named after the misfortune of a woman suffering from strange symptoms who on a full moon night, in order to purify herself in the waters with the help of her friends, finds herself having to face the devil and ends up transformed into a giant seaweed that drags all the other women to the bottom as well.

And the algae, which are the characteristic of that stretch of river, are said to resemble the hair of witches.

Here is the picture I prefer.

And you tell me a story?

In return, I do not limit myself to pangiald: I could not fail to present the classic “treat” as well.

These are the most similar to the oss di mort (Dead’s Bones) version that I remember eating: rather large, oval in shape, and vaguely similar to the panforte.

But if we abounded with chocolate for the Keep Calm variant, would it be serious?



I thank very much Laura who immediately fulfilled the wish I had expressed, making me discover The singing Stone

Threepenny works for four cats” could I not immediately fall in love with this book necklace?

IMAGAENARIA is an old-fashioned bookshop, as less and less are found in Italy … the presentation looks like the beginning of a fairy tale and I honestly still am enchanted when I read these things and I feel grateful for the precious recovery of unjustly forgotten works of literature from every time and country.

Vilhelm Bergsøe who I discovered a frequenter of the Caffè Greco in Rome as a member of the Scandinavian Circle was a zoologist and in his book a meticulous and dedicated attention to Nature in all its aspects.

While I was reading, I never stopped imagining Laura intent on her translation work:  which must not have been easy at all and for which I can only congratulate her endlessly.

I don’t know about you, but very often, reading books by foreign authors, I do not dwell sufficiently on the scope of the work of those who translate, which undoubtedly plays an essential role.

It is far from simple in fact to recreate the same atmospheres that the author generates with his completely personal way of writing and to keep faith with the original writing style.

Writing is the painting of the voice.

I believe that this quote by Voltaire contains the essence of what level the necessary competence must reach to translate “painting” into another language.

Among other things, The singing Stone is very rich in detailed descriptions of the environment and vegetation, with names of plants that I, for example, did not even know.

A book that has the power to carry the reader on the same path to discover a part of the island of Ischia known only to those who were born there, and who have handed down the stories of their ancestors.

An exploration in nature, but also in time, among the legends that I particularly love and which reunite natural phenomena with the history experienced by the people, in a complete immersion in the magical atmosphere of the place.

Obviously I don’t want to completely reveal the identity of the singing Stone so as not to spoil the pleasure of discovery, which I advise you not to miss.

Rather, we will reconfirm my highest esteem to Laura.
Again and again thank you!

MILAN Sant’Ambrœs

MILAN Sant’Ambrœs

Today is a day of celebration for many people who live and work in Milan, but in general Sant’Ambrogio is an important event for everyone, arriving the day before the Immaculate Conception: both dates that officially kick off the Christmas season.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to visit the basilica of Sant’Ambrogio, I suggest you to mark it for the first useful occasion, for me among other things it represents the memory of the prelude to work, right in the immediate neighborough: in those same streets where until 2006 the Oh bej oh bej fair took place.

A particular name, a Milanese expression that, in addition to representing the dialect that is the roots, to which I always care, recalls the cries of joy of children: what could be more beautiful?

Oh beautiful! Oh beautiful! Were the games and sweets that Giannetto Castiglione distributed to children in 1510 to obtain benevolence from the Milanese fearing not to be welcomed in view of the assignment received from the Pope, towards which the Milanese had shown discontent.

Have you ever had the opportunity to visit this market?
I would say that it is really fun to browse among the stalls that offer curiosities and out of the ordinary objects.
These are some of Elisa‘s pictures from last year:

I was there once in the glorious 80s and a few years ago also in the new location in the Castello Sforzesco area again thanks to Elisa who then guided us to the Christmas Village, after a visit to the Natural History Museum which I also recommend, in particular to make children spend an unforgettable day.

After all, Milan is an inexhaustible source of interesting things to do, of beautiful things to see, and also of good things to eat, why not?
Since we are in the Christmas theme, for example, we cannot fail to mention the panettone which, among other things, always goes well with a good cup of coffee.

The official site of the consortium reports three different legends related to its origin. Which would you choose?
I choose the second, ça va sans dire… laughing

But let’s not get lost in romance: it’s almost time!
The appointment with the premiere of the Teatro alla Scala, which is one of the most worldly events ever, this year will be broadcast. 

A riveder le stelle.

It means to see the stars again, and let’s hope not only them.



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