The word gets longer with an extra O, while the continuous loop gets shorter.
Hennes & Mauritz AB: the popular Swedish clothing chain known as H&M introduces a machine for recycling used clothes directly in one of its shops open to the public, and more precisely in Stockholm.
In 2017 the Swedish government reformed the tax system so that people could get cheaper repairs on used items, and Swedish clothing giant H&M operates a recycling scheme where customers get a discount upon handing in old clothes.
Meanwhile, researchers are working on finding new clothing materials that are less damaging to the environment.
Returning to Looop, the technology was developed by HRITA: Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel and will be visible in Stockholm’s Drottninggatan Store on October 12.
For 150 Swedish kronor, that is just under 15 euros or just 100 (about 10 euros) for those who are enrolled in the loyalty program, it will be possible to directly witness the transformation of the old garment into a new garment.
The process is divided into 8 phases:
It does not involve the use of water or chemical dyes, however, it is necessary to add a yarn of “sustainable origin” to strengthen the fibers obtained from the old shredded dress.
What do you think about it?