Caccia all’uomo nero Hunting the Bogeyman published by Pav Edizioni: the latest read for which I thank the author Sabino Napolitano and Mari Manual

Undoubtedly a striking title: ‘the bogeyman’ is a figure we often learn about from childhood.

The first meaning that the Treccani attributes to him is exactly: imaginary man, with a frightening appearance, who is used as a threat to keep children quiet.

Have you ever heard yourself say such a phrase?

As one grows up, one learns that in reality who we have to fear is not an imaginary figure, however dark and gloomy he may be.

What could be the personification of the bogeyman in your opinion?

Sabino tells us his own through a story that starts with a disappearance.

The investigation leads to a shortlist of hypothetical suspects who could be ‘the bogeyman’ in perhaps a more literal than figurative sense.

The writing gives the reader a glimpse of reality and describes the everyday life of Bari, which could however be the everyday life of the place where each of us lives.

I appreciated the realism through which the author tells the story, leading the reader to the way in which the Bogeyman Hunt ends.

I report the book among the winners of Giallo Festival for best supporting character.

Can you tell me which character is the protagonist of your fears



Antonio Migliorisi’s Sand in the Mind was a big surprise for me.

Usually before reading a book I am curious, like everyone else I always read the back cover or the preview, and unavoidably ‘visualise’ what my guess is.

In this case, I must say that the title was prophetic, because I imagined something different.

I therefore sincerely thank Antonio Migliorisi for having pleasantly surprised me, and with him I also thank Manuale di Mari that made this discovery possible.

Antonio Migliorisi is a prestigious architect from the Marche region, active in many fields including teaching.

Surely, one can also speak of architecture when referring to Sand in the Mind, because of the way it is constructed.

I expected to take a journey into the psyche, instead I experienced an adventure while also learning interesting anecdotes about Mnemosyne: mythological personification of memory.

In general, the reading reveals Antonio Migliorisi to be a deep connoisseur of various subjects, scrupulous with details and exhaustive in situations.

And his expertise leads the reader along with the characters in a plot full of twists and turns.

The result is undoubtedly worthy of international best sellers.

The book opens and closes in situations accompanied by jazz music as ‘background.’

I found an analogy between jazz and the book itself as an enthralling rhythm characterised by solo virtuosity: the virtuosity of Antonio Migliorisi.

Here is the booktrailer 

what do you think?



Summer: time for travel, craving for levity.

I propose a surreal quiz to laugh with each other.  Are you ready to imagine?

Let’s pretend that …

you are traveling with people who make you feel good, whether family or friends.

First question: where are you going?

You are chatting about the last movie you saw while you are driving, but you feel a little tired. You see a motorway café, you stop and say: “I need a coffee, I’ll be right back.”

Twenty minutes later you aren’t back yet, so whoever was with you comes in looking for you and what do they see?

You singing standing on the counter like the girls from Coyote Ugly

but this is Italy, there are no microphones in the motorway cafés and you are holding a Rustic sandwich with ham, tomato, mozzarella salad and mayonnaise.

Second question: what are you singing?

Since you have been discovered, you invite them to join you.

Assumption 1:
They catch up with you and start singing with you in the Top Gun style.

Assumption 2:
someone decides to bite the Rustic sandwich 

Assumption 3:
they look at you dumbfounded and after the first moment when they are like salt statues they react by asking what the heck you are doing

Let’s pretend that …

you have to give an explanation: what happened after the coffee?



We have had evidence of how our custom can easily collapse like a house of cards.
Have you ever thought about it in these terms?
In a whisper the daily habits went from being routine in some cases even the subject of complaints, to being a precious certainty that we would like to have again.
In this, I believe we can say that we are united on a global level, although everyone has their own story, everyone walks their own path, and everyone has their own habits.
Habits that for some had perhaps become heavy bricks like habituation, for others instead modular and elusive as sand, or, just like in the tale of the three houses, built with cards.
Cards that say who we are as documents or badges, cards that frame us, allow us access, lead us, regulate us, finance us: cards, tickets, maps, contracts, banknotes.
Cards that represent our actions, our life.
Cards that we accumulate, cards that we keep in balance.
Or balances that keep us standing.
Technically to build a castle too new or perfect cards slip: there is need of “lived” ones.
Cards that have played, cards that have been held in the hands. Hands that must be firm.
Hands that can never shake, because balance cannot be held in hand.
And never before have we had concrete and disturbing proof of this.
The question is: what exactly do we learn from this demonstration?
Who or what really has power over so many “houses” and how could we let them fall in the sudden way we witnessed?
We now have fewer cards available to rebuild, and we will have to adopt different “customs”, which will not be chosen.
Or maybe we should take the opportunity to learn to question, to ask ourselves questions, to consider all the hypotheses, always.
In the Operette Morali Giacomo Leopardi asks:
“… why is any custom, even if corrupt and bad, difficult to discern from nature?”
The answer seems to be Erasmus of Rotterdam:
“There is no practice, however infamous, however atrocious, that does not impose itself, if it has the custom on its side.”
Custom as well as a constant way of proceeding, is also a source of law. The unwritten source for excellence, which consists of two elements: one of a material type, that is, the reiteration of a certain behavior by a community; the other, of a subjective type although objectively verifiable, is instead the widespread belief that that behavior is, not only morally or socially, but legally mandatory.
So we should consider rebuilding on some unusual bases and starting first of all from the awareness of what is the true important essence of our life.



We use to divide the generations: Millennials, Generation X, Boomers and so on; despite the common path, each one has a particular vision on different spans of time obviously marked by the events that characterized them.
Many of us perhaps had never had a concrete experience on certain types of emergencies, and the general test of panic, which we are witnessing in these days, certainly opens up various new scenarios or at least never seriously considered.
You hear and read everything and the opposite of everything and the questions burst like an uncontainable quantity of corn kernels exposed to heat.
Yet I observe, as always, correct me if I am wrong, that most people continue to lock matters up between the four corners of their garden. Behavior from which, for example, the race to flour and sugar in supermarkets. As if having a spare in your pantry could be enough to shut everything else outside the door.
Question: what can be the reason?
Is it really enough to wash hands?
And, beyond the specific, even in a context of normal routine, don’t you think that in general people prefer not to face reflections that could lead to uncomfortable or unwanted conclusions?
It is inevitable to remember the famous example of the free will Matrix format:

“You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe.
You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Remember, all I’m offering is the truth – nothing more.

Among the countless interpretations and dissertations there is also the hypothesis that blue pill is the choice of the dogmatic, but I would like to remain at the most basic concept: how many would choose the red pill?


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