Bubble Hotel, yes, literally bubble, because that’s what it’s all about.

Summer, vacation time.

Remember I told you about Nest in the Park

We are no longer in Lomellina, but we remain in places dear to me without basically straying very far while also staying in the realm of experiential tourism.

Bubble Hotel i.e., a relatively new type of accommodation that has grown in popularity in recent years.


These are essentially structures made of transparent material that allow guests to sleep under the stars and enjoy the natural environment around them.

A solution that combines the feeling of freedom and immersion of camping, with the luxurious comforts of a hotel room.


Gianluca Torre, with his trademark enthusiasm, explains the features of a Bubble Dome in Borgo Ticino in this video shows the features of a Bubble Dome in Borgo Ticino.

In general, these immersive igloos are scattered a bit all over the world: mountains, desert, northern lights latitudes …

The visual spectacle offered is not limited to stars but ranges over everything Nature gives, even snow for example.


What do you think?
Would you like to have an experience “in a bubble?”

Might it seem disturbing or poetic to you?

The sky grew darker, painted blue on blue, one stroke at a time, into deeper and deeper shades of night.
Haruki Murakami




It means night of the winter calends and represents the fusion between the Celtic New Year Samhain and the pagan festival in honor of Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruits, which was celebrated at the end of the agricultural harvest period as thanks for the gifts received.

Symbolically a sort of moment of mingling between the world of the living and that of the dead as the idea of ​​death is in tune with the phase in which nature is extinguished, to rest during the winter.

The association with religious worship is a subsequent superposition of Pope Boniface IV in an attempt to convert the pagan festival by emphasizing the Christian faith and the celebration of the saints: All Saints.

So, in my humble opinion, about the judgments on the American version, it would be good if we knew our origins, and were more inclined to pass them on.

Personally I find that celebrating Halloween with the classic trick or treat is absolutely fun, and worth entertaining children and more, just because smiles never hurt.

Even more so in this 2020, making children and young people but also those who are differently young smile should be a need felt by anyone, and if it is not possible to go out masked, it does not mean that we should not even celebrate at home.

There are little things that can be prepared with minimal expense and less time.
Simple things to do together, such as cutting out paper bats to hang on the windows, or making the skull cake and mummy sausages.

What do you think of Halloween? Do you have any traditional habits or special recipes?

I would say that this time our coffee can be the Pumpkin Spice version Keep Calm: double ration of cinnamon laughing what do you say?

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