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And here we are again talking about the Strega Prize, even if in this case missing, despite the multiplied predictions and fans in favor of the book Lake water is never sweet by Giulia Caminito Edizioni Bompiani.
Once again for this reading I want to thank Monica who after telling me her impressions told me “but I want to know what you think.”
First of all, I loved the way in which the author got rid of the dialogue / quotes formula by inserting the speeches in direct form in a single uninterrupted stream of words.
More than a lake, in fact a river, a fast flowing current, an enthralling current from which the reader allows himself to be led satisfied with a constant absence of static, which on the contrary constitutes a preponderant characteristic of the lake.
The lake water is also typically cold, and while I really admired the writing, as far as I’m concerned I couldn’t “dive.”
I read the book with that curiosity that accelerates reading, and all the while I had the feeling that I would find something obscure in the following pages, like the lake depths that leave that perennial sense of disquiet, but it was not so.
Or rather, Giulia Caminito described the wickedness in its hidden but latent presence within the human soul. Yet it is as if along with awareness, intention was also sought.
The narration in the first person never reveals the name of the main character, who will appear only as a signature to a letter, and in the same way hides the deep self, which, as much as the underwater nativity scene, lies submerged, manifesting itself only in some moments that remain suspended, logs like piers that only provide the momentum to dive.
There are never consequences, everything flows, everything proceeds in indifference.
So in the end I compare myself to the “lemons abandoned outside the gate” (quote from the book) … wondering if this was not the real intent.
I also recommend the “pro and con” evaluation by Matavitatau that leaves from the analysis of the final notes.
Reading the notes, however, my thoughts have deviated a little course to focus mainly on a theme that is very close to my heart and which leads back to the character that aroused the most empathy in me: Iris.
If you have already read, or will read the book, you will surely understand why. So I wait to know how you find lake water.
Curious coincidence: right about the lakefront of Anguillara Loredana had spoken to me, also giving me the photo of her cup of coffee that in case you find it here.
So feel free to send me your favorite cup as well whenever you want: I will be happy to share other nice trips from mug to mug …
A really enchanting read, Claudia! I love your experience of the flow uninterrupted; the narration as it smoothly ripples out into the cold deep, pushed by the current to explore itself to the last final curl of its small waves of speech created at shore.
I find lake water cool and soothing; an exploration of self, and yet so murky and dangerous with those secrets we cling to and hide in our corners.
Thank you for sharing!
Truly the lake is both relaxing and dark at the same time.
I know that in many cases it brings sadness instead of freshness.
I imagine there are wonderful lakes in your mountains.
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH DEAR for the fantastic words you dedicated me, I strongly embrace you. <3