To intertwine two different strands: Monica’s books and ideas for gifts, I propose The Children’s Train that I received as a gift from Monica last Christmas, because this book took my heart, giving me a thousand food for thought.

Viola Ardone opens a door on the Neapolitan homes, but once you cross the threshold you are inside the world of a child, who absorbs, who learns, who knows people and things within the limits he can reach, and who at the same goes further, bringing the reader with him.

The flow of thoughts that are unleashed is inexhaustible.
Childhood is a topic that is particularly dear to me for many reasons, not least the fact that children teach us, but too often we forget it.

The dilemma is inexorable.
Personally I was not aware of the existence of these trains, or rather of these transfers in the specific narrated context, even if the children of Chernobyl who after the disaster were hosted by many families even in my country of origin immediately came to mind.

Inevitable the wave of cascading considerations, from the general sphere to the depth of the personal level, on the subject of incommunicability and barriers.

The admiration for strength is essential. Intrinsic, light yet disruptive.

The ensuing analysis and the face to face with the reactions and personal emotions about death are relentless.

I cried.

I was also catapulted on that train but not only that, in short, I don’t know if it’s clear: I liked this book and I recommend it.

MILAN Sant’Ambrœs

MILAN Sant’Ambrœs

Today is a day of celebration for many people who live and work in Milan, but in general Sant’Ambrogio is an important event for everyone, arriving the day before the Immaculate Conception: both dates that officially kick off the Christmas season.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to visit the basilica of Sant’Ambrogio, I suggest you to mark it for the first useful occasion, for me among other things it represents the memory of the prelude to work, right in the immediate neighborough: in those same streets where until 2006 the Oh bej oh bej fair took place.

A particular name, a Milanese expression that, in addition to representing the dialect that is the roots, to which I always care, recalls the cries of joy of children: what could be more beautiful?

Oh beautiful! Oh beautiful! Were the games and sweets that Giannetto Castiglione distributed to children in 1510 to obtain benevolence from the Milanese fearing not to be welcomed in view of the assignment received from the Pope, towards which the Milanese had shown discontent.

Have you ever had the opportunity to visit this market?
I would say that it is really fun to browse among the stalls that offer curiosities and out of the ordinary objects.
These are some of Elisa‘s pictures from last year:

I was there once in the glorious 80s and a few years ago also in the new location in the Castello Sforzesco area again thanks to Elisa who then guided us to the Christmas Village, after a visit to the Natural History Museum which I also recommend, in particular to make children spend an unforgettable day.

After all, Milan is an inexhaustible source of interesting things to do, of beautiful things to see, and also of good things to eat, why not?
Since we are in the Christmas theme, for example, we cannot fail to mention the panettone which, among other things, always goes well with a good cup of coffee.

The official site of the consortium reports three different legends related to its origin. Which would you choose?
I choose the second, ça va sans dire… laughing

But let’s not get lost in romance: it’s almost time!
The appointment with the premiere of the Teatro alla Scala, which is one of the most worldly events ever, this year will be broadcast. 

A riveder le stelle.

It means to see the stars again, and let’s hope not only them.




It means night of the winter calends and represents the fusion between the Celtic New Year Samhain and the pagan festival in honor of Pomona, the Roman goddess of fruits, which was celebrated at the end of the agricultural harvest period as thanks for the gifts received.

Symbolically a sort of moment of mingling between the world of the living and that of the dead as the idea of ​​death is in tune with the phase in which nature is extinguished, to rest during the winter.

The association with religious worship is a subsequent superposition of Pope Boniface IV in an attempt to convert the pagan festival by emphasizing the Christian faith and the celebration of the saints: All Saints.

So, in my humble opinion, about the judgments on the American version, it would be good if we knew our origins, and were more inclined to pass them on.

Personally I find that celebrating Halloween with the classic trick or treat is absolutely fun, and worth entertaining children and more, just because smiles never hurt.

Even more so in this 2020, making children and young people but also those who are differently young smile should be a need felt by anyone, and if it is not possible to go out masked, it does not mean that we should not even celebrate at home.

There are little things that can be prepared with minimal expense and less time.
Simple things to do together, such as cutting out paper bats to hang on the windows, or making the skull cake and mummy sausages.

What do you think of Halloween? Do you have any traditional habits or special recipes?

I would say that this time our coffee can be the Pumpkin Spice version Keep Calm: double ration of cinnamon laughing what do you say?

MICAM 90 #StrongerTogether

MICAM 90 #StrongerTogether

The 90th edition of the MICAM exhibition closes today  which had MICAM in Wonderland as its theme with a great MICAM Digital Show in collaboration with the NuORDER platform, not only for e-commerce but also for after-sales services and above all communication.

After the debut in February, the MICAM X area  focuses meetings and workshops on four points: Art Fashion Heritage & Future, Retail of the future, Trends and materials, Sustainability.

But above all it should be noted the magic of #MicamTales which ranges from the Tea Tasting with set-up and White Rabbit to the IKIDS square: a fairytale setting in which there is also the most large shoe made in Italy with Lego bricks.

Special mention for #MicamDolls: an evolution of the collaboration with Humana which since 2017 has collected 21,500 pairs of unsold shoes with the initiative A hand with the feet and which this year has introduced the Wonder Dolls whose proceeds will go to the education of children in Malawi.

These dolls are inspired by Alice in Wonderland characters and are created with recycled yarns by the artist Allison Hoffmann who crochets them.

A special space has been dedicated to new designers,  MICAM is in fact a very important showcase that offers previews of what will be new trends to come.

Slippers stand out more among the novelties for the summer.
Very colorful and available in various versions from extra light to tank, padded, and decorated with stones or fur.
Here you can convince me because my retrograde vision takes over …

Seriously, one thing is sure: the right praise must be given to those who do not give up and do their utmost to restart with courage, inventiveness, spirit of adaptation and ability to evolve #StrongerTogether.



Tell me that you too are part of those who love and await Christmas with the same enthusiasm as children!

I admit that every Christmas the spirit is put to the test more and more harshly, but magic always finds a way to fulfill itself and give the spell, albeit in different forms.

I also like to live the wait, to think about when I will remove the decorations from the historical boxes that keep them, to free them and the most suggestive atmosphere of the year ever.

Do you make preparations in advance?
Today there are 100 days to Christmas that seem a lot but they are few and I found myself dreaming to think back to the best moments.

What does Christmas represent for you?
The tree, the lights, the gifts …
What kind of gifts do you prefer?

Obviously, for those who love reading, long moments in the bookshop between classics and novelties are on the horizon, immersed in the indecision between inviting covers and important advice.

For example, I always have lists of back issues and long annotations such as The Count of Monte Cristo.
But maybe you are among those who have already framed everything very clearly.

In any case will you allow me an additional idea?
It is a real “signal” mine: SegnaLì 

They are not just bookmarks.
They are not just notebooks.
They are the result of a thought dedicated to reading, they are the fruit of the love for books expressed in gestures taken care of down to the smallest detail by artisan hands that take care of the realization with carefully selected materials, and who carry out every single gesture with passion up to customized packaging, as a last courtesy before the delivery step.

I had a particularly special gift: Mariposas.
And from now on I will no longer be able to think of a butterfly without associating the thought with the creator and without trying to imagine Campidanoshire as Gabriella likes to define her land.

But did I already mention that there are 100 days to Christmas !?

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